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I’m so looking forward to my conversation with Sharon Hersh tonight at 8 pm EST. Sharon is a Christian counselor, author and speaker. Her new book, Belonging, Finding the Way Back to One Another, releases August 8th and my copy is now full of highlighted passages. Here’s a taste…

The Kingdom of truth, beauty, and goodness does not come by convincing people we are right at any cost or by cramming our truth down someone’s throat. The Kingdom of truth, beauty, and goodness comes through something much more powerful than our attempts to persuade. Jesus set the Kingdom in motion when he was crucified, and he invites us into the building of that Kingdom with these words: “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). The Kingdom is about letting go of another person’s throat.

What if we entered every conversation with a cross on our backs? Before we file that away as a platitude, we need to remember crosses are for getting crucified by those who hate us because we love them. Crosses are for bearing another person’s hell. Crosses are for carrying another person’s wounds—sometimes the wounds of those who have hurt us. Love always leaves a mark.

It would be a gift to have you with us tonight as we converse about building conversational bridges in a time of relational strain and disconnection.

Lisa Brockman